Yoast SEO Tool

How to use the free Yoast plugin for SEO

yoast logo

Yoast SEO is a free plugin that will help people find your site

Customise your url ending, write up a snippet and choose a focus key phrase to help search engines direct customers and readers to your site

Just a few minutes work can make all the difference. All Website in a Weekend sites will have Yoast SEO installed as standard procedure.

How to Install Yoast SEO

It’s easy to Install and Activate – go to the plugins section in the WordPress dashboard and Add New> Yoast SEO > Install > Activate

screen shot of yoastNow the fiddlier part

Now you will need to configure each page that you want.

The Snippet is what people will see in the results when they google you.

What you can change:

  • The way the title looks (SEO title)
  • The explanatory text (Meta description)
  • The web address, but just the little bit after your domain (Slug)
  • You can add a phrase that you think people will use on a search engine to find your page (Focus keyphrase)

Yoast in google

Put thought into this to help people to get discover your website. It’s worth the effort.

You can access Yoast from two different areas in the WordPress dashboard and each page has it’s area on WordPress to customise the SEO for that page.

Below is a screen shot and little video of how to find the Yoast settings within WordPress. And below that I’ve linked to some other resources for Yoast.

Yoast in WordPress dashboard

Resources to learn more about Yoast

Yoast’s own beginner’s guide